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Amnesty International research briefing on SAMOS CCAC


Amnesty International releases a research briefing on the unlawful detention and sub-standard conditions in the prison-like EU funded Closed and Controlled Access Centre (CCAC) on Samos.

The research briefing focuses on the de facto detention in degrading conditions of asylum seekers in the CCAC between July 2023 and January 2024. Amnesty International concluded that “under the pretext of restricting people’s freedom to conduct identification procedures, Greek authorities have implemented a regime of systematic, de facto detention of the predominantly racialized residents of the Samos CCAC”. The research briefing highlights the failures of the European Union Commission to ensure Greece’s compliance with EU law in Greece. It urges the Commission to strengthen its scrutiny of Greek policies and practices and advance the infringement proceedings opened against Greece in relation to the legislation on Restriction of Freedom of asylum-seekers.

The Human Rights Legal Project had the opportunity to contribute to the research briefing by meeting delegates of Amnesty International during their research visit to Samos, through remote interviews and by sharing data and reports. 

The research briefing details the overcrowding and inadequate living conditions, the insufficient supply of running water, the severe lack of medical services, the lack of support for residents in vulnerable situations, the harsh conditions imposed on unaccompanied minors and the systemic use of restrictions amounting to unlawful and arbitrary detention in the CCAC

Between August and December 2023, HRLP undertook different measures to alert the Greek authorities of the unlawfulness of their practices. Measures included numerous contact with the camp management and EODY, a report to the Greek National Commission for Human Rights to alert them of the situation in Samos, two reports to the Ombudsman, interim measures and individual applications before the European Court of Human Rights and objections to detention filed before the administrative court of Syros. 

As mentioned in the research briefing, HRLP has filed two individual applications before the European Court of Human Rights in relation to the unlawful detention in inhumane conditions of newly arrived asylum seekers . 


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