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Image by Julie Ricard

who we are

about The Human Rights Legal Project

The Human Rights Legal Project is a small organisation, challenging big power. We are politically and financially independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion. Our independence enables us to continue our work with integrity and act in full accordance with our principles and values.

Sea View of Samos during sunset.

our vision

A safe and dignified migration and asylum system in the European Union that upholds the human rights of all individuals.  

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our vALUES

We commit to living our values
so that we can be known for our integrity. This means incorporating our value system into our governance, management,
and operational structures,
and nurturing a culture of
continuous learning and reflection.

    The pursuit of social justice and accountability is the driving force of our work. It guides us in developing our strategy, selecting our partners, and ensuring positive outcomes for the people we work with.
    We stand with communities facing oppression everywhere. We understand that situations of inequity are created by power-holders, and we recognise systems of privilege. We work in partnership with affected communities to amplify their voices and support them to exercise their rights.
    In our work, and with each other, we seek to create brave spaces where truth is spoken to power, and injustice is named. We are comfortable with discomfort.
    People experience discrimination and inequality in different ways, based on intersectional power imbalances related to gender, race, sexuality, inequality and disability. We believe that power must be distributed evenly, and without leaving anyone behind. By building a work ethos that is self-aware, respectful, transparent, and inclusive, we want our behaviour to model the world we would like to see.


Born as a collaborative civil society initiative, we are a dynamic group of human rights lawyers, advocates, and community activists. Our office is located in Vathy, Samos, and our Board Members support remotely from different international locations.  


co-founders & Board members

No one is illegal graffiti


Our co-founders met on Samos in 2020, while working for different organisations. United by their belief in equal justice for all, the Human Rights Legal Project was born.

HRLP logo

In early 2020, the Reception and Identification Centre (RIC) on Samos reached record levels of overcrowding. The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbated an already tense environment, leading to a spike in violence and violations against the displaced community. Legal organisations were running at full capacity to support individuals with their asylum cases, which left human rights violations unchallenged.  


The death of a RIC resident, who was unlawfully denied medical assistance, catalysed the transformation of an idea into a reality - the Human Rights Legal Project was founded to challenge impunity and seek justice for them and their family. 


Since then, HRLP strives to ensure that people on the move are treated with fairness and dignity, and holds authorities accountable to their national and international human rights obligations. 

Image by Jamie Curd


Join us in fighting for the rights of displaced people at European borders, and consider donating to support our work.  

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